Monday, July 13, 2009

Coremetric Analytics

I have got to check these guys out: Outsourced optimization for agencies is a moneymaker.

Monday, December 8, 2008

TurnHere a goldmine

As marketers increasingly seek to go online with rich content video will grow fastest as - frankly - it is easier to deploy than animation or code-based content. Emeryville's TurnHere is at the forefront of producing ultra-cheap spots for medium to small businesses. Big agencies ought to be paying attention as "there's gold in them thar hills."

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Own Worst Product Placement

TONTC read the tea leaves on this one. It just goes to show you, Media people better have a little something called cultural awareness and taste when it comes to investing big money in product placement. Today, NBC canceled “My Own Worst Enemy,” a million dollar flop. GM paid to have cars as characters as part of the show. This is a big-time flop especially at a time when Ford doing well with Knight Rider. We need to understand how stale the programming choices are at GM. While Hyundai (24), Nissan (Heroes) and Volkswagen (Bourne Ultimatum) seem to have a nack to pick winners, GM is constantly heavy handed (Transformers). It seems to me, any regular reader of Variety would look at Christian Slater’s recent past see the writing on the wall. But when when you’ve got folks blissfully sentimental with visions of “Heathers” and “True Romance” this is what you get: